Unique NYC Photography Workshop

The Spark Your Creativity photography workshop in NYC is an experience that satisfies a love of adventure and desire to boost personal creativity.

Developing a sense of play and building on people’s strengths, Spark your Creativity with its concentration on boosting creativity gets participants off the grid to experience their environment with fresh eyes while learning how to maximize their equipment (digital camera – whether a Dslr, point and shoot, or iPhone). Using intuition and reason, participants pick up many tips and tricks. Thanks to both sequential and methodical reasoning in making pictures, everyone’s imaginations expand.


Alongside a pro photographer and seasoned New Yorker participants are led on location to digitally capture new territory — 102 SPY photo workshops in New York so far have boosted creativity in over 500 participants of all ages, from all backgrounds and career paths, and from all over the world.

Register with code LOVE for
$299 for your customized group of 6 participants | (50% off $600)


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